My emphasis was on the remarkable way in which Gehry adheres to a highly disciplined, almost simplistically rational diagram, while producing wildly innovative sculptural buildings.
The first part of that proposition went down like a lead balloon, in the midst of much bluster by local critics and architects.
Now, looking for something altogether different, I come across a thoughtful article which actually pre-dates my piece, and about which I wish I had known at the time. The title says it all:
Look past its facade: new UTS business school designed by Gehry from inside-out
Of perhaps greatest interest to me is the claim that the project is 'Australia’s first true 3D-documented building'. We hear often enough of Gehry's use of Digital Project, the 3D design tool developed by Gehry Technologies as an overlay of the original Catia aircraft design software. But we rarely have enough of a description of its consequences in how his uniquely complex buildings are tendered and built.
I am also happy to report that the architectural tourist will be amply rewarded seeking out the building - the University keeps it surprisingly open and accessible. You can indeed look behind the facade.
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